1.备份数据库 ```sql backup database DbName to disk='D:\DbName.bak' ``` 2、创建数据库: ```sql create database DbName on (name='DbName_Dev',filename='D:\DbName.mdf') log on (name='DbName_Log', filename='D:\DbName.ldf') ``` 如果需要还原数据库,create database DbName就够了,数据库设备名和文件路径在还原的时候指定。 3、查看备份文件存在哪些文件组: ```sql restore filelistonly from disk='D:\DbName.bak' ``` 以便在还原数据库的时候对各个文件组进行重定向。 4、还原数据库: ```sql restore database DbName from disk='D:\DbName.bak' with move 'DbName_Dev' to 'D:\DbName.mdf', move 'DbName_Log' to 'D:\DbName.ldf', replace ``` 上面分别转移了数据设备、日志、全文目录。 Last modification:March 4, 2019 © Allow specification reprint Support Appreciate the author AliPayWeChat Like If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate
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这个对游戏创建中文名称创建不起来, 有帮助不啊, 创建英文的可以