> 于2024年在ICCSIE 2024会议中报告并即将发表ICCSIE论文集(EI检索)中。 ##Title **Design of Highly Customized Document Generation Service Architecture based on JACOB in SaaS System** ## Author **Shaoliang Xia*** Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, fpm.sya@bsu.by **Zhen Wu** Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, 13wuzhen@sina.com **Qingqing Song** Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, fpm.sunC@bsu.by ## Abstract Documents have functions such as storing information, improving work efficiency, and promoting collaborative innovation. Documents play an important role in various fields. In a SaaS environment, efficient and flexible document generation services are not only the core of business processes, but also an important factor in improving competitiveness and promoting an important tool for business growth. Highly customized document generation services can effectively handle documents with high information density and diverse data expressions, which can improve the readability, operability and flexibility of data. This paper completes the design of a highly customized document generation service architecture based on JABOC and Spring Cloud microservice framework in SaaS mode, which achieves independent expansion and free scaling of services, as well as data isolation and security. When generating the same content, the time-consuming difference between single-tenant document generation and multi-tenant concurrent document generation ranges from 0.69% to 4.7%, showing a non-linear growth, but the difference in performance loss is not significant. In the case of generating documents with multiple images, the document generation speed will be significantly reduced; while in the case of generating documents with few images, the character generation speed will be significantly increased. ## CCS CONCEPTS Software and its engineering ~ Software organization and properties ~ Software system structures ~ Software system models ## Additional Keywords and Phrases JACOB, document-generation, micro-service, SaaS, multi-tenant Last modification:October 27, 2024 © Allow specification reprint Support Appreciate the author AliPayWeChat Like 1 If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate